What is love?

lavan abhiman
4 min readNov 3, 2020

There has to be many forms of love right? Because love for a parent is different from the love for a girl and that is different from what you feel for your siblings.

Romantic love, is it just an attraction? Is it the work of hormones or is it something different or is it a combination of the factors above stated and not. According to my point of view there are no typical relationships.Every couple thinks that way, that there relationship is not typical but something special that they created. This is obviously true because we all know there are no two equal human beings. Humans are so complex that everybody is so different. This is because of biological factors as well as the environment they associate since they were born. So how can a couple of people’s story can be equal or typical in any way to another. Every relationship should be unique and special in some way. Every couple creates this world that is theirs. Every couple creates something new.

So back to the main question, what is love? Or specifically in this case what is romantic love? Is it the need of that somebody in your life or is it putting that somebody before you?

Think that you love this girl who is so different from you. And she loves you back. The problem is that you view the world so different than her so if you talk the truth you feel about something it may end up hurting the other. So to make this kind of relationship work at least one member should suppress his or her ideas and just try to cope with the ideas with the other. But doing that the one who suppress his or her ideas is living a life which he or she does not agree with. So is it okay to sacrifice your idea of the world for someone you love? If you cannot be yourself or live the way you see fit in the world it’s like giving up your soul for someone else right? So if love is the need of that somebody in your life you should be willing to make that sacrifice or your partner should do it. Or is it best to talk the truth that may always end up in conflict?

If you think that love is putting your significant other before you, you should always do what’s best for you partner. So in a case like stated above, is the best option to let go of your partner and wish that they will find someone that have at least close ideologies to them. Obviously this is also a huge sacrifice because it is hard to let go someone you love. If both parties love each other it would hurt both of them very much. So is it better to cling to the one you love or is it better to let go and try to start something new?

If both parties of a relationship love each other they should have a conversation about this problem. What will happen if one of them thinks that they should hold on no matter what and try to cope with the other and other one thinks the opposite which is letting go and start fresh? In my opinion this not a problem about love but the way each of them thinks. Even if you stayed together it will result on hurting both of them constantly or one would suffer for the sake of the other. And if the other knew that his or hers partner is suffering to keep him or her happy that would make his or hers life miserable too. But the second option is letting go which would be the logical answer because that will end long term suffering but is logic important when it comes to love. We can choose the logical option but how can we be sure that our minds will recover after losing that love. How can we know how long it will take to forget and reset to date another one? So both options can ruin each other’s lives.

Well we don’t know what love is but it’s obvious that it is so complex that the decisions we take mean different things according to different perspectives. The one who let go do that for the sake of love for the other, but the other might think different like, ‘this man/woman does not love me’ and vice versa. So how can we say love is keeping and protecting the other under any circumstance or it is letting go the other one for the betterment of the both?

